Katharina Finke

non-fiction author & journalist
Katharina Finke is a journalist and non-fiction author who is covering stories around the world. Her beats are evniornment, travel, women and life issues. Finke is mainly writing in her mother tongue German for print and online media and international publishing houses. She also works as an author, editor, producer and stringer for German television and international media outlets. Besides Finke can be booked for moderation.
Her first non-fiction book "Mit dem Herzen einer Tigerin" about violence against women in Indias was published in 2015 by HEYNE/Random House. “LOSLASSEN - Wie ich die Welt entdeckte und verzichten lernte” is a travel-book, in which Finke writes about her lifestyle whilst traveling the world. It was released 2017 by PIPER/MALIK ans 2020 by National Geographic.
Umwelt / Gesellschaft