article | Hannah El-Hitami
Eyad Al-Gharib is the less known defendant in the first trial dealing with Syrian state torture that opened in April in Germany. As a low-ranking member of the intelligence service, he is accused of complicity in crimes against humanity. But his case raises legal and moral questions that potentially concern thousands of other Syrian army defectors.
Eyad Al-Gharib is the less known defendant in the first trial dealing with Syrian state torture that opened in April in Germany. As a low-ranking member of the intelligence service, he is accused of complicity in crimes against humanity. But his case raises legal and moral questions that potentially concern thousands of other Syrian army defectors. Eyad Al-Gharib (who hides his face on the photo), a former low-ranking officer in Division 251, alias „Al-Khatib“, is the second knife in the Koblenz trial. Arguing that he was executing orders, he remains in the shadow of his co-defendant, Anwar Raslan, a high-ranking officer of the same division.